Terms & Conditions of Engagement – Planning Applications
Conditions to be read in conjunction with email of the ______________
– The company will be responsible to produce all drawings, plans, and documentation to ensure that a correct application can be made to the relevant Local Authority to enable them to deliver a correct ruling on the application.
– The company will work to the specification requested by the client but will advise the client on needs/changes to meet local planning and/or building regulations.
– Following agreement on the plans and receipt of the design fee To Robinsons Scotland Ltd we will submit the application to the Local Authority.
– The Local Authority Planning fees quoted are subject to change based on the classification of the application by the Local Authority.
– The company will not be responsible for the performance of the Local Authority, or refusals of permissions by same.
– Due to the nature of the services provided we can not guarantee that the Services provided in accordance with the Order shall receive the necessary statutory approvals
– If requested by the applicant, Robinsons Scotland Ltd will advise on further progress of the project upon receipt of the response from the Local Authority.
– If we are instructed to adjust and resubmit an application following rejection by a local authority then we will charge an additional fee equal to 30% of the original fee
– Should the Local Authority request non-standard sequential work or external reports (e.g. Transport Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, Ecology Survey, Planning Statements, Business Statements, Right Of Way Applications etc.) you will be charged at a rate of £130 per hour or the fees of an external consultancy.
– Any work carried out after a decision by the Local Authority has delivered its ruling will be charged at a rate of £100 per hour unless expressly stated otherwise. This includes the discharge of conditions and further alterations to drawings to achieve completion certificates
– Robinsons Scotland Ltd are not responsible for building materials or worksite labour or the cost of either.
Where any statutory fees are due to be paid to local authorities or the Department of the Environment in respect of any applications, appeals, etc., such fees shall be the responsibility of the Client and the Consultant shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of such fees. The necessary fees shall be rendered by the Client promptly upon request and shall be paid to the receiving authority via the Consultant.
Robinsons Scotland Ltd fee is set out in the Order. We shall invoice you on commencement of drawings and calculations.
You shall pay each invoice submitted by us: within 14 days of the date of the invoice;
Accounts should be settled by the Client including VAT and incidental charges, if any, within fourteen days from the date of issue.
Additional Hourly charge out rates:-
Manager – £65
Senior Technician £55 / Junior Technician £45
Terms & Conditions of Engagement – Building Warrant
Conditions to be read in conjunction with email of the ______________
– The company will be responsible to produce all drawings, plans, and documentation to ensure that a correct application can be made to the relevant Local Authority to enable them to deliver a correct ruling on the application.
– No allowance has been made for Mechanical/Electrical/Civil/Structural/Road design or other specialist design input if required this will be a separate charge.
– The company will work to the specification requested by the client but will advise the client on needs/changes to meet local planning and/or building regulations.
– Following agreement on the plans and receipt of the design fee To Robinsons Scotland Ltd we will submit the application to the Local Authority.
– The Local Authority Planning fees quoted are subject to change based on the classification of the application by the Local Authority.
– The company will not be responsible for the performance of the Local Authority, or refusals of permissions by same.
– Due to the nature of the services provided we can not guarantee that the Services provided in accordance with the Order shall receive the necessary statutory approvals
– If requested by the applicant, Robinsons Scotland Ltd will advise on further progress of the project upon receipt of the response from the Local Authority.
– If we are instructed to adjust and resubmit an application following rejection by a local authority then we will charge an additional fee equal to 30% of the original fee
– Should the Local Authority request non-standard sequential work or external reports (e.g. Transport Statement, Flood Risk Assessment, Ecology Survey, Planning Statements, Business Statements, Right Of Way Applications etc.) you will be charged at a rate of £130 per hour or the fees of an external consultancy.
– Any work carried out after a decision by the Local Authority has delivered its ruling will be charged at a rate of £130 per hour unless expressly stated otherwise. This includes the discharge of conditions and further alterations to drawings to achieve completion certificates
Where any statutory fees are due to be paid to local authorities or the Department of the Environment in respect of any applications, appeals, etc., such fees shall be the responsibility of the Client and the Consultant shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of such fees. The necessary fees shall be rendered by the Client promptly upon request and shall be paid to the receiving authority via the Consultant.
Robinsons Scotland Ltd fee is set out in the Quote. We shall invoice you on commencement of drawings and issuing structural calculation /SER requests.
You shall pay each invoice submitted by us: within 14 days of the date of the invoice;
Accounts should be settled by the Client including VAT and incidental charges, if any, within fourteen days from the date of issue.
Additional Hourly charge out rates:-
Manager – £65
Senior Technician £55 / Junior Technician £45